Head of the Centre
Arunasis Chakraborty
Department of Civil Engineering
Phone: +91-361-258 3800
hocdmr @ iitg.ac.inContact Address
Centre for Disaster Management and Research
Indian Institute of Technology Guwahati
Guwahati - 781039
+91 361 258 3800
cppcdm @ iitg.ac.in
Website : https://www.iitg.ac.in/cdmr/
About Centre for Disaster Management and Research
Disaster Management deals with management of assets and information for a disastrous occurrence and also how effectively and impeccably one coordinates and mitigates these calamities is critical (pre-, during, and, post event) for the safety of the people and the habitat. Disaster management has to address prevention and prompt mitigation of the hazards and susceptibility rather than only prepare for the worst scenario. In addition, it requires an overhaul of the emergency management.